Meet Cristina Conti Pineda, Celebrity Matchmaker

Cristina (Conti) Pineda, MA, CMM Celebrity Matchmaker and Dating Expert
Cristina (Conti) Pineda is Co-Founder and Celebrity Matchmaker at Matchmakers In The City. A frequent media guest, Pineda speaks on panels and gives talks about dating and relationships. Pineda is regularly featured on Relevant Radio's Trending With Timmerie, on major entertainment networks like NBC, CBS, MTV, and the CW, and in news outlets such as Forbes and The Huffington Post. Pineda has published multiple feature articles on Elite Daily,, and Entity Magazine among others. A former beauty pageant competitor, Pineda perfected the arts of beauty, fashion, makeup, and presentation. Pineda holds a master’s degree from Oxford University and an Executive Matchmaker Certification from the Matchmaking Institute. Lauded by Patti Stanger, The Millionaire Matchmaker, as "the new generation of Matchmakers," Pineda has nearly 11 years of professional matchmaking experience, and has worked with professionals, CEOs, celebrities, athletes, and royals on their journey to finding love. Cristina was introduced to her husband by her sister and co-founder, Alessandra, and got married herself in April 2017. They welcomed their first baby boy in October of 2020 and their second in February of 2023. Connect on Instagram: @matchmakercristinapineda

Get in touch
Want Cristina to be your Personal Matchmaker, Date Coach, or Guest Speaker at your next event?
As a frequent media guest, Cristina loves to share her dating wisdom through interviews, articles, speaking engagements, and media appearances. For more information about booking Cristina for an appearance or interview, please call 310-922-9973, email us at, or fill out the form below: